The writing is on the wall, and it's been smack-dab in front of our eyes for years, it's just that the fringe media, in bed with a White House chock full of born and bred social radicals who are placing their bet on a most elusive, like-minded President. Don't think for one moment that anything that spews out of this administration of hard-core fanatics will be anywhere near the truth.
Let's go back to the campaign, well before the election when Barack Obama quoted,
"What I have to say in this book is not the arrogance of unsolicited advice. It is the experience and counsel that so many young people have questioned me about through all-night sessions on hundreds of campuses in America. It is for those young radicals who are committed to the fight, committed to life." In the first chapter's opening paragraph, Alinsky writes, "What follows is for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be. The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away".
Do you hear that? It sounds like Barack Obama has learned to lie, cheat, steal, and most especially, defame anyone or thing that stands in the way of overtaking the greatest nation of all-too gracious people of all time. That, my friend, is the plan. Make no doubt about it, what we're experiencing is one big desperate plan.
The Chicago Way is NOT the American way. Let's grind this loose cannon into the hard, dry ground. And his slew of buddies too. Why not? He's laughing as he does it to us. YOU LIAR!
The Organization continues;
Alinsky codified and wrote a clear set of rules[3] for community organizing. His rules for radicals are now used as key tactics to learn in the training of new
community organizers.
In a separate chapter he suggests that the perennial question, "Does the end justify the means?" is meaningless as it stands: the real and only question regarding the ethics of means and ends is, and always has been, "Does this particular end justify this particular means?"
Alinsky continues by stating several rules of the ethics of means and ends:
* The judgment of the ethics of means is dependent upon the political position
of those sitting in judgment.
* In war the end justifies almost any means.
* Judgment must be made in the context of the times in which the action
occurred and not from any other chronological vantage point.
* Concern with ethics increases with the number of means available and vice
* The less important the end to be desired, the more one can afford to engage
in ethical evaluations of means.
* Generally, success or failure is a mighty determinant of ethics.
* The morality of a means depends upon whether the means is being employed at a
time of imminent defeat or imminent victory.
* Any effective means is automatically judged by the opposition as being
* You do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral garments.
* Goals must be phrased in general terms like "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,"
"Of the Common Welfare," "Pursuit of Happiness," or "Bread and Peace."
These rules of the ethics of means and ends are only one chapter of his book,
totally distinct from his "clear set of rules for community organizing." For
example, his rule 12 is "pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and
polarize it."
* Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals (1971) Random
House, ISBN 0-394-44341-1; Vintage books paperback: ISBN
1. ^ Purpose for writing Rules for Radicals per Alinsky
2. ^ Rules for Radicals, by Saul Alinsky
3. ^ Alinsky, Saul [citation needed],
I'll be back with some damning evidence that should make any American sick.
Maybe deadly sick.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
The Crux
Here it is, the very crux of The Obama agenda is on the verge of a sweeping rejection by the American people. They're beginning to refute the ultra-liberal, super-spending, single-minded theology of a President who swore and continues to swear he didn't really know Bill Ayers, Tony Rezco, or George Soros. That well.
The money-hungry, most destructive force our country faces is the literal infection of young Americans being taught not why their country is so unique, so important to the entire world, but that we should be ashamed of our heritage of defending the rights of so many, while more any other entity, continue on as a nation of selfless and charitable contributors.
The mounting debt accrued under the direction of Barack Obama and his pre-cast shadow government has us upon the precipice of financial collapse. China, even with their overwhelming success of late will sooner or later give up waiting. They'll need the money because they need it too. We really don't want to lose our AAA credit rating, because for every $1,000 we owe on taxes, we'll be owing we'll over half of that, and almost all of that percentage is just to pay down the INTEREST from our national debt.
As of today, it stands at around $12,848,000,000,000, but by years end, Barack Obama plans to force a debt limit down the throat of the Fed and increase our embarrassing deficit to possibly over two TRILLION dollars more.
To even mention cap and trade, universal health care and card-check at a time when we're far more worried about getting a job says one helluva' lot about what kind of Patriotism, if any, Washington has left.
It's too bad, I kinda' like being a lefty.
The money-hungry, most destructive force our country faces is the literal infection of young Americans being taught not why their country is so unique, so important to the entire world, but that we should be ashamed of our heritage of defending the rights of so many, while more any other entity, continue on as a nation of selfless and charitable contributors.
The mounting debt accrued under the direction of Barack Obama and his pre-cast shadow government has us upon the precipice of financial collapse. China, even with their overwhelming success of late will sooner or later give up waiting. They'll need the money because they need it too. We really don't want to lose our AAA credit rating, because for every $1,000 we owe on taxes, we'll be owing we'll over half of that, and almost all of that percentage is just to pay down the INTEREST from our national debt.
As of today, it stands at around $12,848,000,000,000, but by years end, Barack Obama plans to force a debt limit down the throat of the Fed and increase our embarrassing deficit to possibly over two TRILLION dollars more.
To even mention cap and trade, universal health care and card-check at a time when we're far more worried about getting a job says one helluva' lot about what kind of Patriotism, if any, Washington has left.
It's too bad, I kinda' like being a lefty.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
No Experience Necessary
During the '08 presidential campaign, experience, or lack thereof, sadly, became a major topic under which Sarah Palin suffered far more scrutiny than did the grossly inexperienced junior senator from Illinois. Now, in retrospect, Barack Obama's sophomoric approach to everything from the economy, to foreign policy, to national defense, and an obvious affection towards Communists, Marxists, and idols of Chairman Mao, have the wheels of the Democrat party slowly coming off, his presidency on the brink of failure, and our very culture on the verge of collapse.
I don't say these things willy-nilly, one only needs to admit with honesty, not desperate denial, when examining the close company he has brought along with him into the White House and its inner circle. Van Jones was a racist, a communist, an anti-capitalist, an anti-American radical and an early devout follower of Sal Alinsky. Tragically, almost unbelievably, so goes the same for Valerie Jarret, Maxine Waters, Cass Sunstein, Mark Lloyd, Ron Bloom, Anita Dunn, and even her husband came along too. Talk about preemptive nepotism! And I'm sure a host of others sure to be exposed. Given the odds of the past few months, it's inevitable.
Need I even address the highly anti-American rhetoric of the (Reverend) Jeremiah Jones, Father Flaghler, Bill Ayres and Bernardine Dohrn? What about Tony Rezco, and William Marshall? Or the look-the-other-way, Mayor Daley?
The extensive application form to become a part of Obama's gargantuan group of Czars and Chicago riff-raff was either one great big fat lie, or just another blatant waste of taxpayer money. I'd say it's a lot of both.
He's far more loyal the economy-wrecking, job destroying, complacency harboring, massive unions than to the little, ignorant minions who helped scam his way into office. But those of us with a conservative point of view realize we've all along been the enemy.
ACORN was no mistake, and though they've been supposedly ousted, don't bet on it. ACORN is like a beloved mother, one who is fat with sweet milk and ripe with a new suckling litter every single day. You can bet they're either waiting in the wings, or have already been secretly, quietly slipped back into place somewhere into their tangled web of deception that was concocted years and years ago.
Harry Reid actually thanked George Soros, Van Jones, the Apollo Group, and the SCIU for practically writing the stimulus bill. That's right, you heard me. Our president was too busy sucking up to Ahmedinijad, Chavez, the UN, and Bin Ladin, to even think about Afghanistan, Iran, our Southern border, or anything the people were beginning to scream about, like JOBS, little jobs, Big jobs, any job. But instead, now, to the world that matters, he makes us look weak, with nowhere enough gumption to back our allies, much less actually bite before we've been bitten.
'Nuf said.
I don't say these things willy-nilly, one only needs to admit with honesty, not desperate denial, when examining the close company he has brought along with him into the White House and its inner circle. Van Jones was a racist, a communist, an anti-capitalist, an anti-American radical and an early devout follower of Sal Alinsky. Tragically, almost unbelievably, so goes the same for Valerie Jarret, Maxine Waters, Cass Sunstein, Mark Lloyd, Ron Bloom, Anita Dunn, and even her husband came along too. Talk about preemptive nepotism! And I'm sure a host of others sure to be exposed. Given the odds of the past few months, it's inevitable.
Need I even address the highly anti-American rhetoric of the (Reverend) Jeremiah Jones, Father Flaghler, Bill Ayres and Bernardine Dohrn? What about Tony Rezco, and William Marshall? Or the look-the-other-way, Mayor Daley?
The extensive application form to become a part of Obama's gargantuan group of Czars and Chicago riff-raff was either one great big fat lie, or just another blatant waste of taxpayer money. I'd say it's a lot of both.
He's far more loyal the economy-wrecking, job destroying, complacency harboring, massive unions than to the little, ignorant minions who helped scam his way into office. But those of us with a conservative point of view realize we've all along been the enemy.
ACORN was no mistake, and though they've been supposedly ousted, don't bet on it. ACORN is like a beloved mother, one who is fat with sweet milk and ripe with a new suckling litter every single day. You can bet they're either waiting in the wings, or have already been secretly, quietly slipped back into place somewhere into their tangled web of deception that was concocted years and years ago.
Harry Reid actually thanked George Soros, Van Jones, the Apollo Group, and the SCIU for practically writing the stimulus bill. That's right, you heard me. Our president was too busy sucking up to Ahmedinijad, Chavez, the UN, and Bin Ladin, to even think about Afghanistan, Iran, our Southern border, or anything the people were beginning to scream about, like JOBS, little jobs, Big jobs, any job. But instead, now, to the world that matters, he makes us look weak, with nowhere enough gumption to back our allies, much less actually bite before we've been bitten.
'Nuf said.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A letter to the President
You just will not shut up. Now that your phony stimulus plan has turned out to be exactly what is, a complete failure, you're desperately trying to, once again, cover up for the trillions dollars wasted and skyrocketing debt incurred during this brief presidency.
What a mistake. How many years will an ideologue like yourself waste on a petty plan to reform this nation of Blacks, Whites, English, French, Mexican, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Laotian, Indian, Iranian, Croatian, Burmese, and practically every culture in the whole wide world into a socialist society? According to the plan, it could take as long as you need because the framework has already been laid.
What needs to be discussed is the rapidly progressing implementation of the nanny state. Give me someone else's money, then pay for my mediocre content, stifle my creativity, take away my ability to help my brother, and most of all, erase my avenues of free communication. Then I'll truly be happy. Not. Give me a job, not just a puny check that won't even pay for a month's mortgage or rent. Your priorities are bass ackwards Mr. President. The list goes like this:
3)Border Control
5)Heath Care
Notice energy is listed twice. It's at the very core of all our problems, but you and Nancy continue to deny us our own resources. I guess China and Iran win because we've obviously given up.
$787,000,000,000 or $2,000,000,000,000, what's the difference? If it were even one dollar, your health care boondoggle is still the most stupid of stupid acts in a long line of utter stupidity ever concocted by our over-aged, complacent, money hungry, constituent-blind congress.
Barack, just give it up, or actually listen to the people.
What a mistake. How many years will an ideologue like yourself waste on a petty plan to reform this nation of Blacks, Whites, English, French, Mexican, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Laotian, Indian, Iranian, Croatian, Burmese, and practically every culture in the whole wide world into a socialist society? According to the plan, it could take as long as you need because the framework has already been laid.
What needs to be discussed is the rapidly progressing implementation of the nanny state. Give me someone else's money, then pay for my mediocre content, stifle my creativity, take away my ability to help my brother, and most of all, erase my avenues of free communication. Then I'll truly be happy. Not. Give me a job, not just a puny check that won't even pay for a month's mortgage or rent. Your priorities are bass ackwards Mr. President. The list goes like this:
3)Border Control
5)Heath Care
Notice energy is listed twice. It's at the very core of all our problems, but you and Nancy continue to deny us our own resources. I guess China and Iran win because we've obviously given up.
$787,000,000,000 or $2,000,000,000,000, what's the difference? If it were even one dollar, your health care boondoggle is still the most stupid of stupid acts in a long line of utter stupidity ever concocted by our over-aged, complacent, money hungry, constituent-blind congress.
Barack, just give it up, or actually listen to the people.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Climate change, global warming?
The world is all a twitter about what has been labeled lately as "climate change." At least it's a more fitting than the dreadful "global warming." You see, the problem is that this great big ball of iron and silica has been drastically warming and cooling on a relatively short cycle for billions of years. But that relatively brief cycle, in geological terms, lasts far longer, and longer in between, than our fledgling civilization has since we first started walking upon the Earth.
Yes, climate change is real. Can we really alter the natural progression of nature? Maybe, but there are far more pressing issues than the cash-cow known as Global Warming. Clean, potable water. To us, in America, we treat it like it's our birthright. 20-30 minute showers, wash the cars twice a week, fill our 10,000 gallon swimming pools and water our 100-acre golf courses.
Only 2-3% of the water on the Earth is freshwater, the stuff we can drink. And of that precious 2-3%, we, as Americans, consume the lion's share. Because we've the good fortune of possessing the largest freshwater lake in the world, and seemingly plentiful rivers coursing through and across our fertile lands, the issue of water rarely crosses our short-sided minds.
In many parts of the world, nations wage war over water, because they don't have any. 40,000 years ago, the Sahara was a tropical paradise. About that same time, the entire central portion of north America was under water, and the geyser at Yellowstone was part of a super-volcano whose cataclysmic eruption of magma blanketed everything from Ohio to Idaho.
The point is that all we can really do is be aware, because this world we live in is nothing like the world we're so fortunate to know. It's alive, and its wrath is blind.
Yes, climate change is real. Can we really alter the natural progression of nature? Maybe, but there are far more pressing issues than the cash-cow known as Global Warming. Clean, potable water. To us, in America, we treat it like it's our birthright. 20-30 minute showers, wash the cars twice a week, fill our 10,000 gallon swimming pools and water our 100-acre golf courses.
Only 2-3% of the water on the Earth is freshwater, the stuff we can drink. And of that precious 2-3%, we, as Americans, consume the lion's share. Because we've the good fortune of possessing the largest freshwater lake in the world, and seemingly plentiful rivers coursing through and across our fertile lands, the issue of water rarely crosses our short-sided minds.
In many parts of the world, nations wage war over water, because they don't have any. 40,000 years ago, the Sahara was a tropical paradise. About that same time, the entire central portion of north America was under water, and the geyser at Yellowstone was part of a super-volcano whose cataclysmic eruption of magma blanketed everything from Ohio to Idaho.
The point is that all we can really do is be aware, because this world we live in is nothing like the world we're so fortunate to know. It's alive, and its wrath is blind.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The story of the boy who cried wolf has become the radical President who governs by fear, and universal health care is but the latest in his ongoing litany of concocted tragedies. Over the past nine months, his goal of wealth re-distribution has our economy in full reverse, nowhere near where it would have been had we done nothing at all.
To the Democrats, nationalized health care is their Golden Goose, just another way to gain control over the American people, and extend their power for years to come. Behind the scenes, and behind closed doors, thousand-plus page bills are being churned out by groups of social engineers with an agenda to crush capitalism, and transform America. Into what? Whatever it is, it has to be stopped.
The Obama Presidency is like a perfect storm, a complex plan crafted well in advance by Communist supporters, and fascist zealots bound by a common Marxist theology. All one need do is to merely look at the hand-picked people, purposely chosen by the President, to see the hypocrisy of this most un-transparent administration.
To the Democrats, nationalized health care is their Golden Goose, just another way to gain control over the American people, and extend their power for years to come. Behind the scenes, and behind closed doors, thousand-plus page bills are being churned out by groups of social engineers with an agenda to crush capitalism, and transform America. Into what? Whatever it is, it has to be stopped.
The Obama Presidency is like a perfect storm, a complex plan crafted well in advance by Communist supporters, and fascist zealots bound by a common Marxist theology. All one need do is to merely look at the hand-picked people, purposely chosen by the President, to see the hypocrisy of this most un-transparent administration.
Monday, October 12, 2009
The government, our elected government, needs to step up, to do their jobs and stop playing games. The health care issue is an even bigger scam than allowing the self-serving Apollo Group to cook up the nearly Trillion dollar stimu-fuckus package that won't be spent until your ass is outta' here. You are a LIAR, and you continue to lie with the fringe media so far up your ass, they must love the taste of your shit.
You didn't really know Bill Ayers, and you never heard the racial venom spewed from the pulpit of your beloved Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and you never knew Tony Rezco. These are the company you keep? Wasn't Valerie Jarret the one who brought you and your wife into the Chicago Family? Of corruption? Of scandal? Of the ruse known as ACORN?
But the biggest lie comes from poor, poor Michelle, who was so heavily in debt from school loans but managed a sweetheart deal on prime Chicago property while stepping on the elevator as others took the stairs to get on top. Face it, your decade-long plan is exposed and no amount of phony accolades can change the fact that you're in way over your head. Health care, cap and trade, value added tax (thanks Nancy), Guantanamo Bay, Stimulus or Recovery, or whatever color lipstick you want to put on that pig, it'll still be just a stinkin' assed pig.
Stop apologizing, and start governing, because the Iranians and Libya think you're weak.
You didn't really know Bill Ayers, and you never heard the racial venom spewed from the pulpit of your beloved Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and you never knew Tony Rezco. These are the company you keep? Wasn't Valerie Jarret the one who brought you and your wife into the Chicago Family? Of corruption? Of scandal? Of the ruse known as ACORN?
But the biggest lie comes from poor, poor Michelle, who was so heavily in debt from school loans but managed a sweetheart deal on prime Chicago property while stepping on the elevator as others took the stairs to get on top. Face it, your decade-long plan is exposed and no amount of phony accolades can change the fact that you're in way over your head. Health care, cap and trade, value added tax (thanks Nancy), Guantanamo Bay, Stimulus or Recovery, or whatever color lipstick you want to put on that pig, it'll still be just a stinkin' assed pig.
Stop apologizing, and start governing, because the Iranians and Libya think you're weak.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Sarah Palin, the X-Factor
Sarah, and I call her simply "Sarah" because she feels like a friend. I'm not afraid to criticize her, but it's not likely I would. I wouldn't be afraid to say she's just an old lady who is nothing but a glorified party pundit, because she's not. And she knows it.
Her decision to leave office in the midst of a full-on attack against her personal life was nothing but an assault on one the most stellar Governance terms in US history. She left an increasingly corrupt administration in the hands of one of the most capable, competent lawmakers Alaska has to offer. There's no doubt, Mrs. Palin's agenda will progress under the guidance of a competent governorship
And another thing. This so-called health-care thing, (that's what I call it) has got the American people ready to riot. Now I know we're a peaceful people, we're a people ready to listen. IF, we have a voice. When deaf and blind POLITICIANS like NANCY PELOSI and HARRY REID decide to slap the face of Republicans, it just shows how precarious their ledge. 2010 will begin the end of this hard-core liberal BITCH!
I'm sorry, the graceful exit of a true Communist Hero!
Her decision to leave office in the midst of a full-on attack against her personal life was nothing but an assault on one the most stellar Governance terms in US history. She left an increasingly corrupt administration in the hands of one of the most capable, competent lawmakers Alaska has to offer. There's no doubt, Mrs. Palin's agenda will progress under the guidance of a competent governorship
And another thing. This so-called health-care thing, (that's what I call it) has got the American people ready to riot. Now I know we're a peaceful people, we're a people ready to listen. IF, we have a voice. When deaf and blind POLITICIANS like NANCY PELOSI and HARRY REID decide to slap the face of Republicans, it just shows how precarious their ledge. 2010 will begin the end of this hard-core liberal BITCH!
I'm sorry, the graceful exit of a true Communist Hero!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Alright, already!
I'm only 42 years young, but I've been around long enough to know a rat when I smell one. If it walks like a hog, talks like a hog, then it must be a hog. But Barack Obama is no hog, he's a DOG! A two-faced, straight-faced liar. The hypocrisy is that he said during the '08 campaign exactly what his true intentions were. "To fundamentally transform The United States of America."
A lie so bald faced, no one believed it. Except for his legions of radical followers. Now, they've been secretly, quietly, clandestinely placed into cleverly disguised positions illegally undisclosed to the American people. Transparency? 38 Czars? What a farce. A flat out lie. All it takes is a little searching on Google or Alta Vista, or even Fox News, to find out just how deeply runs the culture of Obama's omission of truth. No, that's far too kind. His culture of lies. He can't help it, after all, he cut his teeth under the umbrella of the 30 year dictatorship of Chicago's infamous Mayor Daley.
Valerie Jarret's family is tied to Bill Ayers' family, who is tied to William Marshall's family, who is tied to George Soros. From there, Van Jones, Cass Sunstein, Mark Lloyd, and Eric Holder are almost in bed with each other. It's only nepotism, just Chicago style.
A lie so bald faced, no one believed it. Except for his legions of radical followers. Now, they've been secretly, quietly, clandestinely placed into cleverly disguised positions illegally undisclosed to the American people. Transparency? 38 Czars? What a farce. A flat out lie. All it takes is a little searching on Google or Alta Vista, or even Fox News, to find out just how deeply runs the culture of Obama's omission of truth. No, that's far too kind. His culture of lies. He can't help it, after all, he cut his teeth under the umbrella of the 30 year dictatorship of Chicago's infamous Mayor Daley.
Valerie Jarret's family is tied to Bill Ayers' family, who is tied to William Marshall's family, who is tied to George Soros. From there, Van Jones, Cass Sunstein, Mark Lloyd, and Eric Holder are almost in bed with each other. It's only nepotism, just Chicago style.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
A Fountain of Lies
Barack Obama. Or is it Barack Hussein Obama? Whatever the name, it doesn't matter. I'm sick of his steady stream of lies, starting with a campaign ripe with Chicago-style scandal, his proposal of heavily taxing an already burdened economy just to cover the $787,000,000,000 left-wing feast that could only be topped by the Mother of all wasteful spending bills, HR 3200. Sarah Palin would have already turned this economy around by now, so we could focus on matters more important. Global warming is the least of which. Talk about a cash-cow. Ohh, the world will end tomorrow if we don't act now! No, it will not. The polar bears are doing fine, and we have the resources to end our dependencies right here and right now.
Every time I turn on the TV or computer, it's another tele-prompted speech that sounds just like the last one. Stop apologizing. Iran laughs and Britain condescends, while we stand alone.
Mr. President, do your job. Is that so hard?
Every time I turn on the TV or computer, it's another tele-prompted speech that sounds just like the last one. Stop apologizing. Iran laughs and Britain condescends, while we stand alone.
Mr. President, do your job. Is that so hard?
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