Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Nightmare's Nightmare

Last November of '08, I voted wholeheartedly for the McCain/Palin ticket, but bet that Obama would win. Sadly, I lost that bet along with the overwhelming majority of public opinion. Now, fortunately, a window of opportunity has opened thanks to the blatant lies and unscrupulous travesties betrayed upon an America whose voting memory is woefully short, but its values gleefully remain overwhelmingly conservative.

What's a country under assault from an aggressive progressive agenda to do? The answer lies within the Constitution itself;

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Spoooky Sarah Palin

What gives? Could it possibly be because she's a real woman? One who has more balls than most men? One who actually has executive experience? One who is unafraid to oppose their own party? Show me one progressive that hasn't fallen in line just like a good little lamb. Going rogue? You betcha'! Don't blame her for being undeniably attractive. No, not the way she looks, but everything about her life is so real you just can't stand it. It's true, Sarah is an anomaly, and she's got a lot more common sense than Barack Obama has rhetoric, and believe me, he's chock full of it.

In the end, maybe Al Gore and his troupe of "global warming" zombies will die from frostbite. Certainly, it won't be from sunburn or heatstroke or carbon dioxide poisoning.

If there ever were a global crisis, it would be the lack of potable water. We can survive with a little too much carbon dioxide, but it's not like we don't exhale it with every breath, and the plants we depend on really need it anyway. So in that respect, we've got a really nice symbiosis goin' on with the green stuff.

The American Indian had a far better understanding of climate change than most so-called scientists. The U.S. Forestry Service spent decades making absolutely sure to stop or avoid any wildfires, until they finally learned that pine cones can't germinate without extreme heat. When the land was still bare after a year, they knew they had done their job all too well.

The Tipping Point

It's plain to see that the reverssives are on their heels and lashing out by violating the Constitution in new and evermore destructive measures than I could ever have fathomed. I'd laugh, but it's no laughing matter when felons like Robert Creamer and Van Jones get a pass, while the White House, Barack Obama, is surrounded by individuals and entities whose only mission is to collapse the United States government at any and all costs. To them, it's about gaining control of the most dynamic, most influential, but most of all, profitable vehicle to lead them into a one-world society where everyone is equal, success is quashed, innovation is stymied, and freedom of expression is not allowed. Except, of course, for the Government. It's their Holy Grail.

I never once was impressed by the side-speak of Mr. Obama. From the beginning, he's proven to be nothing but a semi-crafty LIAR. If he could once not say "that..that, that when the stimulus bill," or "let me be clear, 1,000,000 jobs have been created or saved." or "Know this, my right-hand man, Joe Biden, will see that every dime is accounted for," "Every bill will be publicly available on C-SPAN."

And with each passing day, each redundant speech, almost every uttered word, it becomes ever more self-evident that, RADICALS ARE WELCOME IN THE WHITE HOUSE!

Robert Creamer says:

"Last month's drop in the unemployment rate and continued reduction of job losses is certainly good news. It indicates that the U.S. economy may have finally stopped shedding jobs. But without additional government action there is little likelihood that the economy will return to anything resembling full employment in the near future."

"The recent CBO report concluded that 600,000 to 1.6 million jobs [WHAT A JOKE!] have been created or saved to date by the effects of the first Obama stimulus package - and that's before a large percentage of total stimulus spending has even taken place."

"That means that when the report was released, up to 1.6 million people would have been unemployed had Congress failed to pass the stimulus bill."

"if the first stimulus bill worked to create or save [SAVE?] jobs, why not do it again?"

I'm sick, just sickening sick. If you'd like a good laugh before you get sick, just follow the link above.