Sunday, July 11, 2010

Really, I know because Obama said so.

 David Axelroid, what a triple-time loser! He may be even a bigger liar than his Chicago-reared boss. Although that indeed would truly be a stellar accomplishment. Blaming G.W.Bush for all of the immense woes your slip-shod administration laden with nothing but Clinton floozies has burdened even the idiot voters you indoctrinated with the mesmerizing chant, "Change We Need" is simply ridiculous. Mr. president, this a personal attack on you for mostly being a horrible liar. I saw through your progressive scheme long before your rigged election. ACORN, The New Black Panthers, SCIU, and the fat-cats are laughing all along with the UAW.
 Need I say more? Why the hell is Eric Holder even there? Oh, I know, because when it all comes down to it, the DOJ always has the final word. And believe me, baby, you've been side-stepping your overwhelmingly majority in Congress so arrogantly, stumping for losers, and spewing out some of the most infantile remarks ever emitted by a POTUS.  Stop trying to be Barry from the hood, not the enemy of the still larger majority. You screwed the Latinos, now, they're going to screw you. Traditionally, these right-minded people would never be caught dead in the church of Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and to think you attended the vile services hosted by this obviously anti-American, vehemently pro-black, virtually atheist who despises the very country in which he was born is literally repulsive.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Boy President Speaks

Shut up! Just shut your blabbering mouth and do your job! Oh, I'm sorry, you don't have a clue, do you? Okay, then step aside mister sister, because there are women a' plenty ready to show you to the door. Get it together, man, it's not about you or your Candyland agenda, it's about America, free speech, free markets, and yes, you CAN fail. Take your pussy-assed philosophy and cram it up your own baby-smooth ass!

How can you not disgust your own self? Your whole life has been nothing but a pure political sham bolstered only by the twisted ideology of your sordid past mentors. But no, I blame you, and you alone for casting our future into the abyss, making G.W. look like a pre-school idiot. That makes you a high school moron. One who is ignorant simply does not know the difference, but one who is stupid knows the difference, but continues to make the same mistakes. You, I'm afraid, are the epitome of stupid.

You think GW Bush's casual Southern drawl was bad? Brother, it cannot compare to your wannabe homeboy slang that says far more about you than any confused collaboration of rookie-politician words. Trust me, "that" is a just a useless filler word to buy time for inept speakers like yourself. To tell you the truth, Sarah Palin's honesty will tear your feeble lies a new asshole. Mark it.

The truth is supposed to hurt

Abortion, or not, is a topic which is generally decided by the woman. [why this is befuddles me to this day.]

Take a life, think about it. Take a life and all of a sudden you become master and maiden. The life dies, you wonder, the life survives, your chances are truly boundless. I'll take half a chance over none at all any day.

Teddy Roosevelt was not perfect, nor was George Washington or even one of our most extolled Presidents ever, Johnathan Fitzgerald Kennedy. The rotten truth is that all of these men were as deeply flawed as you or I. What they did posess, however, was LEADERSHIP. In times of crisis, swift decisions are crucial and indecision is not only unacceptable but ultimately fatal.
Your lies are wearing mighty thin, Mr. President. 2010 is your Waterloo.