Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Obama is not a smart man

Duh, who says, "I think," or "that" in every other sentence? Only a moron. If he had one cell of brain matter, he would have enough sense to shut the hell up, and stop spewing blatant lies. Of course, he's betting the American public is dumber than even he is. Hopefully, this not the case. At least it's not for me, and be sure, every mistake, every misstep this liar makes, I promise to be there screaming to the people to impeach this phony on crimes of treason for intentionally repudiating The Constitution as a fatally flawed document and side-stepping the Bill of Rights.

That was one long-winded rant.

People, we are at a crossroads of a new revolution, one which we absolutely must win at any cost. Barack Obama, I'll say it again, is nothing but a big mistake. God Bless America.

Palin for our future;

YouTube - Rush Interviews with former Alaska Governor, Sarah Palin. pt. 1 Nov 17:

YouTube - Rush Interviews with former Alaska Governor, Sarah Palin pt. 2 Nov 17: