Thursday, February 27, 2014

Water and the Rock

A rock symbolizes everything that is solid, seemingly impervious to all but dynamite. Water is soft and friendly, and it too is something we know is vital to life. But when the slow, steady stream of water is faced with the strong, seemingly impervious rock, the lowly water, in the end, always wins. River rocks are round. Surely they were once jagged, wrest free from birth as part of a much, far larger mother we know as a mountain. But in the end, given time, water prevails. Drip, drip, drip-freeze and expand to a vapor, then back to the sneaky fluidity of its natural state. I love water, it is one way or another the sole source of energy we have and still rely upon to this very day.

 Hydro-electric power, geo-thermal  power, nuclear power, and coal power all are possible because of water and its ability to expand and contract, all right before our eyes. Whether as steam, ice, or a fluid, this miracle composed as two of the most volatile of elements in the universe has always been there for us so lets not take it for granted as it can easily destroy whatever it creates.
If I hear one more lie from this asshole, one more time I have to listen to, one more time this hack gets to spew his phony game, or stuff his phony rhetoric down the throats of sadly misinformed Americans, I'll shout. Unfortunately, from my meager position, this is about all I, myself can do. Come after me, throw me in jail. For what? Speaking the truth? For saying what others are afraid to say?

  Time and time again, the story has grown old; "Let me be clear", "You can keep your health care", "You can keep your doctor", "You'll save at least $2,500", Lies are lies, but when they are punctuated with a "period", that, my friend, is where a liar makes their fatal mistake.

  Some say this president has superior intelligence, or that his charm and wit is enough to qualify him as ambassador to the world. On the contrary, his apology tour and continued policies of downplaying America's vital role has backfired. Now, we've lost respect with our allies, those who hate us laugh at our stupid gesture that we'll let our guard down in hopes that they want to play patty cake.

 9/11, 911, however you choose to interpret its meaning, it is a date which should never be ignored. Believe me, the terrorist's memory is long and these achievements only spur them to loftier goals. These people hate us, our ideals, our freedoms, and for some reason, they love to hate our women. Because they have a voice and are not afraid. Sexy drives these radicals mad seeing it so beautifully, so inherently part of their nature, it, to them, is just not right. So, I say, keep it up ladies, you're our best weapon.