Dick Cheney said it best when he described Obama's Afghanistan strategy as "dithering." Sheesh, it's no wonder when he's got 20+ non-military personnel bickering at the table! Excuse me, but this is a closed-door conversation, one which our enemies are paying rapt attention to. Stop broadcasting every single step you advise for our already compromised armed forces to take, and start treating the terrorist enemy for exactly what they are, blatant, outright, TERRORISTS!
If the crooked Federal Reserve keeps our interest rates at or near zero percent any longer, the oncoming inflation will literally swallow our economy in one gargantuan bite. One which I'm afraid not even our great-grandchildren will manage to overcome. Will then those who have encumbered our once great society finally learn their lesson? I fear not. It seems more likely the primary progenitors of their own fiscal fiasco would be perfectly content to wallow in their own heap of stinking shit.
Whatever meager scraps of our sacred republic remain after the progressives' reckless mission has failed, myself and my fellow patriots will pick up the pieces and reassemble the solid foundation of the country that was not to be. The United States of America.
I highly recommend, even though his writings are quite lengthy, to please read through Thomas Jefferson's thoughts about the Constitution;
Monday, November 23, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Like it or Not
Sickening, just sick. I'm sick and tired of being sick! Barack Obama, yeah, but he'd be toothless without an idiotic, spineless, no-brained congress to confer the insane bills our juvenile president insists on passing. That's right, I spelled it president with a lowercase because that's exactly what his phony stature desires. ZERO! What a scam has this scumbag presented upon the American people. What a bald-faced LIE has this monster intended to pass upon the very peoples he's been swore to uphold. Pay attention, baby, our President has the unions controlling hid agenda, and wants to divide our gross DIVIDEND between the lesser fortunate of the world. Phthew, There has been no other gracious nation, no any whose generosity has benefited to poor-stricken world than the United States.
{s}Let me speak on something. {b}Andy Stern{/b} is the enemy!!!!!!!!
{S}Why, thank you, Cap'n Dave,
And, yes, loyalty and patriotism for my beloved country is most near and dear to my heart. Unfortunately it seems, there are forces from within who would see our time-tested Constitution become just another hiccup in history. Pardon me if I may say vehemently, our severely inept congress is rapt with corruption, and is now being commanded by a Marxist leader. If I went into the details, I would no doubt run out of e-mail space.
Having said this, my further statements will be blunt. Barack Obama is no more gifted a speaker than I. But one thing is sure, he told America during the '08 campaign EXACTLY what his intentions were: {b}To fundamentally transform the United States of America.{/b}
Mary Landreiu at this very moment has decided to allow cloture. If it were not for the arm-twisting of Speaker Harry Reid's $100,000,000 (in a [legal] one hundred million dollar secret section of a bogus bill), this piece of crap bill would be dead in the water. Now we know EXACTLY what the Senator from Arkansas is made of. Silliy Putty.
Now, it's up to us. THAT"S the origin of the original tea party, AND the right to bear arms. Check your news, an epic moment in our history has just occurred, and obviuosly the hundreds of tea-parties, and the thousands of town hall congregations have had absolutely no effect. {b}This{/b} was the primary reason for the revolt which spurred our treasured AMERICAN REVOLUTION. The revolution that was not to be.
Thank you, thank you, oh, thank you, Mr. Benjamin Franklin. At least we have a republic to save.
Patrick Henry - A James Madison John Hancock
# John Adams - A
# Samuel Adams - A
# Ethan Allen - American/British
# Benedict Arnold - American/British
# John Burgoyne - B
# Aaron Burr - A
# George Rogers Clark - A
# Charles Cornwallis - B
# John Dickinson - A
# Nathanael Greene - A
# Alexander Hamilton - A
# John Hancock - A
# Patrick Henry - A
# William Howe - B
# Thomas Jefferson - A
# John Paul Jones - A
# Thaddeus Kosciuszko - A (Polish)
# Marquis de Lafayette - A (French)
# James Madison -
{s}Let me speak on something. {b}Andy Stern{/b} is the enemy!!!!!!!!
{S}Why, thank you, Cap'n Dave,
And, yes, loyalty and patriotism for my beloved country is most near and dear to my heart. Unfortunately it seems, there are forces from within who would see our time-tested Constitution become just another hiccup in history. Pardon me if I may say vehemently, our severely inept congress is rapt with corruption, and is now being commanded by a Marxist leader. If I went into the details, I would no doubt run out of e-mail space.
Having said this, my further statements will be blunt. Barack Obama is no more gifted a speaker than I. But one thing is sure, he told America during the '08 campaign EXACTLY what his intentions were: {b}To fundamentally transform the United States of America.{/b}
Mary Landreiu at this very moment has decided to allow cloture. If it were not for the arm-twisting of Speaker Harry Reid's $100,000,000 (in a [legal] one hundred million dollar secret section of a bogus bill), this piece of crap bill would be dead in the water. Now we know EXACTLY what the Senator from Arkansas is made of. Silliy Putty.
Now, it's up to us. THAT"S the origin of the original tea party, AND the right to bear arms. Check your news, an epic moment in our history has just occurred, and obviuosly the hundreds of tea-parties, and the thousands of town hall congregations have had absolutely no effect. {b}This{/b} was the primary reason for the revolt which spurred our treasured AMERICAN REVOLUTION. The revolution that was not to be.
Thank you, thank you, oh, thank you, Mr. Benjamin Franklin. At least we have a republic to save.
Patrick Henry - A James Madison John Hancock
# John Adams - A
# Samuel Adams - A
# Ethan Allen - American/British
# Benedict Arnold - American/British
# John Burgoyne - B
# Aaron Burr - A
# George Rogers Clark - A
# Charles Cornwallis - B
# John Dickinson - A
# Nathanael Greene - A
# Alexander Hamilton - A
# John Hancock - A
# Patrick Henry - A
# William Howe - B
# Thomas Jefferson - A
# John Paul Jones - A
# Thaddeus Kosciuszko - A (Polish)
# Marquis de Lafayette - A (French)
# James Madison -
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Clarity and Confidence vs. Corruption
Sarah Palin, what else can I say? Is she just another right-wing fanatic? Is she another dumb broad who truly believes in life, liberty, and the right to bear arms? No, she's far from a dumb ass broad, Sarah Palin Barack Obama's worst fear, she's his destiny looking him straight in the eyes. And believe me, he's scared, scared like a little rabbit. And he should be.
Come on, Mr. Gaffemaster Biden, care to dance again with the Devil herself? No, you better not.
As the agenda unfolds, it's gradually becoming unraveled at the seams, being torn apart by its own criminal devices, by the weight of its unsustainable financial encumbrance and sheer idiocy.
A question, why are the Democrats being heroically led as sheep by Master Obama to send themselves, along with our entire society into ruin? Has Obama proven to be all that? No, but his promise of change is the only thing he has not lied about.
What happened to the giant GM and poor little Chrysler? Can anyone say UNIONS? Specifically the demonic UAW? What about all the forced payouts to the majority of our banking institutions in the name of "saving the global economy," only to bring more power unto the seemingly inevitable machine of progressivism? It's up to us. Do we want to hand over our sovereignty, our choice to lead the world and continue to be a nation people strive to become a legal part of their right as members of a free world community?
Unions, Sarah Palin, and Rush Limbaugh;
YouTube - Rush Interviews Gov Palin pt 1 Nov 17:
YouTube - Rush Interviews Gov Palin pt 2 Nov 17:
Come on, Mr. Gaffemaster Biden, care to dance again with the Devil herself? No, you better not.
As the agenda unfolds, it's gradually becoming unraveled at the seams, being torn apart by its own criminal devices, by the weight of its unsustainable financial encumbrance and sheer idiocy.
A question, why are the Democrats being heroically led as sheep by Master Obama to send themselves, along with our entire society into ruin? Has Obama proven to be all that? No, but his promise of change is the only thing he has not lied about.
What happened to the giant GM and poor little Chrysler? Can anyone say UNIONS? Specifically the demonic UAW? What about all the forced payouts to the majority of our banking institutions in the name of "saving the global economy," only to bring more power unto the seemingly inevitable machine of progressivism? It's up to us. Do we want to hand over our sovereignty, our choice to lead the world and continue to be a nation people strive to become a legal part of their right as members of a free world community?
Unions, Sarah Palin, and Rush Limbaugh;
YouTube - Rush Interviews Gov Palin pt 1 Nov 17:
YouTube - Rush Interviews Gov Palin pt 2 Nov 17:
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Saved Jobs?
Yet another lie. How can you claim to have created or saved jobs when really, we've actually lost millions of real jobs since February? Make-work is not a job, and temporary assignments are not a job. Government jobs only add to the problem. When, oh when will someone realize that real jobs come only from the private sector? Government jobs are nothing but expensive make-work. Most of them are just a shelter for nepotism.
My mother worked for the U.S. Government for 34 years, and she'll tell you that if you want something to cost ten times as much, and take five times longer, ask the government to do it. They'll be happy to oblige.
Shut down health care, cap and trade, and card-check, they are all just a Democratic scam to grasp power before their last dying breath. Without sounding like a Dem, just do it. Our children are counting on us. I'll be right there with you.
My mother worked for the U.S. Government for 34 years, and she'll tell you that if you want something to cost ten times as much, and take five times longer, ask the government to do it. They'll be happy to oblige.
Shut down health care, cap and trade, and card-check, they are all just a Democratic scam to grasp power before their last dying breath. Without sounding like a Dem, just do it. Our children are counting on us. I'll be right there with you.
Think it's Over? Guess Again
What happens when your expenses go up but your income goes down? Do you say "Yay! lets go spend some money?" Or do you say "What the hell am I going to do?"
This government is so desperate for money, do I now have to pay for the the poor people to sit on their ass and cash in on Uncle Sam? Apparently so.
Where should I begin? The sheer magnitude astounds me.
The assault against the dollar, industry, and the financial marketplace which drives our economy is purposely, intentionally being systematically dismantled by the same forces that put Barack Obama in the White House. Call me a liar, call me a hypocrite, but the facts do not lie.
How do you spend 787 billion dollars without creating a single job? How can you let radical Black Panthers get away with voter-booth intimidation while automatic machine guns are slung across their backs? How does an American President get away with apologizing for his country as evil, a purveyor of all that is wrong?
At this very moment, I am painfully listening to yet another repetitive moment where Barack Obama seems to be still on the campaign trail. What a complete idiot. Start governing, stop campaigning, asshole!
Thank you http://www.foxnews.com for cutting off this jerk before I puked.
The crisis extended crisis our nation has suffered was caused by an intentional motive to destroy capitalism and freedom of speech. Wake up, America, this is not a joke. It won't be long before you wake up and say "Wha? Where's my TV? What happened to my internet? And wait a minute, where the hell is my mail?"
"Damn! My car is gone too!"
It didn't comply with the law passed just last night.
This government is so desperate for money, do I now have to pay for the the poor people to sit on their ass and cash in on Uncle Sam? Apparently so.
Where should I begin? The sheer magnitude astounds me.
The assault against the dollar, industry, and the financial marketplace which drives our economy is purposely, intentionally being systematically dismantled by the same forces that put Barack Obama in the White House. Call me a liar, call me a hypocrite, but the facts do not lie.
How do you spend 787 billion dollars without creating a single job? How can you let radical Black Panthers get away with voter-booth intimidation while automatic machine guns are slung across their backs? How does an American President get away with apologizing for his country as evil, a purveyor of all that is wrong?
At this very moment, I am painfully listening to yet another repetitive moment where Barack Obama seems to be still on the campaign trail. What a complete idiot. Start governing, stop campaigning, asshole!
Thank you http://www.foxnews.com for cutting off this jerk before I puked.
The crisis extended crisis our nation has suffered was caused by an intentional motive to destroy capitalism and freedom of speech. Wake up, America, this is not a joke. It won't be long before you wake up and say "Wha? Where's my TV? What happened to my internet? And wait a minute, where the hell is my mail?"
"Damn! My car is gone too!"
It didn't comply with the law passed just last night.
Communists in the White House?
"The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object."
How does this Thomas Jefferson quotation pertain to our current situation? That, my friend, is a stupid question. Stupid you say? What if I asked you to spend a billion dollars just to open up a center for stupid people? You know, the ones who would be better off getting care from a PRIVATELY funded entity that actually cared about these delicate individuals. Shut up, Santa cares, don't you?
Where and how does this mandate of a nationwide tax benefit anyone but our already broke government? What a lie! If the Democrats pass this bill, it will take decades to counter its effects, and possibly generations to eliminate the damage to our economy. This ain't no bullshit, a plan is in effect to transform our livelihood into slavery. Slavery to the people who refuse to or choose not to work for anything. Just sit on your ass and hop on the Barack Obama gravy train. It's all good, we'll never have to pay for gas, our rent will be paid, and our power bill will be for free! Yay! I Love You, Santa!"
Did he not declare five days before the election that he, ACORN and the SCIU were about to fundamentally transform the United States of America? In that respect, he did not lie. But did he claim to be a centrist? Yes. Did he proclaim there would be absolute transparency in his administration? Yes. Is there yet to be a bill that allowed the American people ample time to review it before secretly passing it at midnight? No. But Santa said so, and he never lies.
Stop playing games. Pelosi, don't think you're beyond reproach. Between 2 to 10 million dollars for your beloved vineyard? Give me a break. Obama may be your Santa, but fortunately, your stocking is full of coal.
Harry Reid, you're outta' here, so why don't you leave with an honorable reputation? Wax the stimulus bill with a glorious expenditure to create a high-speed train from Disneyland to Las Vegas sounds like a Christmas wish from Santa. Obama is your Santa.
Chris Dodd, your sacred Senate seat will be history once the truth about your scandalous dealings in real estate finally become public. Well, I guess Obama is your Santa too. Bye-bye Ireland.
How does this Thomas Jefferson quotation pertain to our current situation? That, my friend, is a stupid question. Stupid you say? What if I asked you to spend a billion dollars just to open up a center for stupid people? You know, the ones who would be better off getting care from a PRIVATELY funded entity that actually cared about these delicate individuals. Shut up, Santa cares, don't you?
Where and how does this mandate of a nationwide tax benefit anyone but our already broke government? What a lie! If the Democrats pass this bill, it will take decades to counter its effects, and possibly generations to eliminate the damage to our economy. This ain't no bullshit, a plan is in effect to transform our livelihood into slavery. Slavery to the people who refuse to or choose not to work for anything. Just sit on your ass and hop on the Barack Obama gravy train. It's all good, we'll never have to pay for gas, our rent will be paid, and our power bill will be for free! Yay! I Love You, Santa!"
Did he not declare five days before the election that he, ACORN and the SCIU were about to fundamentally transform the United States of America? In that respect, he did not lie. But did he claim to be a centrist? Yes. Did he proclaim there would be absolute transparency in his administration? Yes. Is there yet to be a bill that allowed the American people ample time to review it before secretly passing it at midnight? No. But Santa said so, and he never lies.
Stop playing games. Pelosi, don't think you're beyond reproach. Between 2 to 10 million dollars for your beloved vineyard? Give me a break. Obama may be your Santa, but fortunately, your stocking is full of coal.
Harry Reid, you're outta' here, so why don't you leave with an honorable reputation? Wax the stimulus bill with a glorious expenditure to create a high-speed train from Disneyland to Las Vegas sounds like a Christmas wish from Santa. Obama is your Santa.
Chris Dodd, your sacred Senate seat will be history once the truth about your scandalous dealings in real estate finally become public. Well, I guess Obama is your Santa too. Bye-bye Ireland.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
OP (other people's money)
Are you ready for a rant? Tuff, you're gonna' get it anyway.
Let me begin with a quote from Thomas Jefferson. "Never spend your money before you have it."
Given that we are already multiple trillions of dollars in debt, mostly to China, how in the hell does our inept government justify borrowing another trillion dollars just to ensure the Golden Boy's presidency is not a complete failure. That's right, Barack Obama has done nothing but suck European ass, cater to Communist regimes like those of Hugo Chavez and the belated Mao Tse Tung, then trashed the name of his supposed country of origin, while agreeing to comply with a global treaty which incumbers The United States with the lion's share of compensation to under developed countries that hardly have the propensity to properly expend such an extremely large sum of capitol.
Enough about money. Even more important than the cheap slips of expensive paper we call money is the taken-for-granted right to freely communicate without hindrance. Not only are our television and radio waves under assault, it's the internet that scares the leftist radicals the most. It's immediate, it's widely used, and the best thing is you don't need to know anything to read an e-mail. So watch out for Mark Lloyd, he's Obama's point man who is pushing for media diversity.
Let's talk about Cass Sunstein. This is the maniac progressive Obama chose as his regulation Czar. What a loonie. This guy says animals should be able to sue human beings in court for financial damages. Whatever. Dumbass.
Anita Dunn has resigned from her position as the White House Director of Communications. But, she still has not been eliminated from the widening Obama circle of corruption.
What about Van Jones, you know, the loud-mouthed idiot who proclaimed native Americans must be given back the land and lost monies taken by the White man. "Give them the wealth, give them the wealth, give them the respect!"
Alright, Mr. Jones, if that were the case, don't you think the Ethiopians should pay back the Egyptians for all the land and treasure they captured time and time again before and during their 2,500+ year reign? You're nothing but a sucker on the Barack Obama gravy train. Go home, wherever it is.
Carol Browner. Oh, boy. Energy and climate Czar? Wow, this woman must be really good. Especially since she's yet another leftover from the Clinton administration. Jeez, sounds like our new President was so clueless he opted to bring on every corrupt member of the last Democratic President rather than choose from sane candidates from either side of the aisle. Just like he said, bipartisan. Again, liar.
John Holdren. Yeah, get a load of this fruitcake. He might as well been Hitler's right-hand man.
Forced abortions, clandestine sterilization, culling of population by societal value, (the elderly aren't worth the money), live births aborted if determined not a viable life. All of this without consent. But it's just the law. How's Holdren's law sound to you? Personally, I'd say send this freak to Texas and see how long he lasts there. Wanna' bet? I didn't think so.
Let me begin with a quote from Thomas Jefferson. "Never spend your money before you have it."
Given that we are already multiple trillions of dollars in debt, mostly to China, how in the hell does our inept government justify borrowing another trillion dollars just to ensure the Golden Boy's presidency is not a complete failure. That's right, Barack Obama has done nothing but suck European ass, cater to Communist regimes like those of Hugo Chavez and the belated Mao Tse Tung, then trashed the name of his supposed country of origin, while agreeing to comply with a global treaty which incumbers The United States with the lion's share of compensation to under developed countries that hardly have the propensity to properly expend such an extremely large sum of capitol.
Enough about money. Even more important than the cheap slips of expensive paper we call money is the taken-for-granted right to freely communicate without hindrance. Not only are our television and radio waves under assault, it's the internet that scares the leftist radicals the most. It's immediate, it's widely used, and the best thing is you don't need to know anything to read an e-mail. So watch out for Mark Lloyd, he's Obama's point man who is pushing for media diversity.
Let's talk about Cass Sunstein. This is the maniac progressive Obama chose as his regulation Czar. What a loonie. This guy says animals should be able to sue human beings in court for financial damages. Whatever. Dumbass.
Anita Dunn has resigned from her position as the White House Director of Communications. But, she still has not been eliminated from the widening Obama circle of corruption.
What about Van Jones, you know, the loud-mouthed idiot who proclaimed native Americans must be given back the land and lost monies taken by the White man. "Give them the wealth, give them the wealth, give them the respect!"
Alright, Mr. Jones, if that were the case, don't you think the Ethiopians should pay back the Egyptians for all the land and treasure they captured time and time again before and during their 2,500+ year reign? You're nothing but a sucker on the Barack Obama gravy train. Go home, wherever it is.
Carol Browner. Oh, boy. Energy and climate Czar? Wow, this woman must be really good. Especially since she's yet another leftover from the Clinton administration. Jeez, sounds like our new President was so clueless he opted to bring on every corrupt member of the last Democratic President rather than choose from sane candidates from either side of the aisle. Just like he said, bipartisan. Again, liar.
John Holdren. Yeah, get a load of this fruitcake. He might as well been Hitler's right-hand man.
Forced abortions, clandestine sterilization, culling of population by societal value, (the elderly aren't worth the money), live births aborted if determined not a viable life. All of this without consent. But it's just the law. How's Holdren's law sound to you? Personally, I'd say send this freak to Texas and see how long he lasts there. Wanna' bet? I didn't think so.
Climate Debt?
Writing.Com: Climate Debt?:
Already, there are countries like Britain buying into the world-wide fanaticism of global warming.
Besides the alarming burden of an economy-crippling possibility of universal health care, there is probability of a system of cap-and-trade being proposed to punish primarily America for its supposed sins against the climate.
But their policies have proven toothless, their actions have resulted in only handing over billions of dollars to terrorist regimes world-wide, and their so-called charitable causes cause hundreds of thousands of poverty stricken people to result in being systematically eliminated by their own corrupt societies. Now, should we allow Mr. Barack Obama to hand over to these, I don't know, Polly-Anna
organizations, the power to mandate an annual tax for the imaginary crime of "climate debt", just to support their fantastic dream of a one-world government?
The fact that this is a real possibility scares me. It should scare you too, and every born and bred American who believes in the free-market society, who believes that freedom of speech and open, unrestricted forum is the enemy of tyranny. Well, it's being deliberately shut down right before our very eyes, and don't kid yourself, before this God-forsaken presidency is come to its eagerly anticipated end. the damage may be done and our voice all but silenced.
Thankfully, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington knew the dangers of tyranny could easily infect any society. Trust them, it took their own new world took 200+ years to realize that freedom trumps over tyranny. Anyday. It's proven strong enough to defeat the ideals of Nazi-ism, Communism, Marxism, and hopefully, Globalism, and Any-ism, except for Capitalism, all in the course of two-hundred and thirty-plus years, even after achieving liberty. Amazing. No other
society has accomplished such a lofty goal in the history of mankind. Lets not let it revert back to. Think about the Egyptians, who gained and lost power over the course of millennia, only to give way to the Greeks, Romans and Chinese, who dominated history for the next two thousand years. The Brits, French, Spanish, Danish, and Russians, had all existed far longer than our fledgling experiment. And that's exactly what it it does. Will our experiment our work? Yes, it can and will, as long as we stand by the principles set forth by our founders.
Read the Declaration of Independence, or the Constitution and its amendments. If it doesn't make you cry, well, I don't know. Anytime I hear the Star Spangled Banner, God Bless America, or The Pledge of Allegiance does, even I concede watching the drill team of my high school waving the flag wets my eye. Get patriotism, it's better than any drug.
Already, there are countries like Britain buying into the world-wide fanaticism of global warming.
Besides the alarming burden of an economy-crippling possibility of universal health care, there is probability of a system of cap-and-trade being proposed to punish primarily America for its supposed sins against the climate.
But their policies have proven toothless, their actions have resulted in only handing over billions of dollars to terrorist regimes world-wide, and their so-called charitable causes cause hundreds of thousands of poverty stricken people to result in being systematically eliminated by their own corrupt societies. Now, should we allow Mr. Barack Obama to hand over to these, I don't know, Polly-Anna
organizations, the power to mandate an annual tax for the imaginary crime of "climate debt", just to support their fantastic dream of a one-world government?
The fact that this is a real possibility scares me. It should scare you too, and every born and bred American who believes in the free-market society, who believes that freedom of speech and open, unrestricted forum is the enemy of tyranny. Well, it's being deliberately shut down right before our very eyes, and don't kid yourself, before this God-forsaken presidency is come to its eagerly anticipated end. the damage may be done and our voice all but silenced.
Thankfully, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington knew the dangers of tyranny could easily infect any society. Trust them, it took their own new world took 200+ years to realize that freedom trumps over tyranny. Anyday. It's proven strong enough to defeat the ideals of Nazi-ism, Communism, Marxism, and hopefully, Globalism, and Any-ism, except for Capitalism, all in the course of two-hundred and thirty-plus years, even after achieving liberty. Amazing. No other
society has accomplished such a lofty goal in the history of mankind. Lets not let it revert back to. Think about the Egyptians, who gained and lost power over the course of millennia, only to give way to the Greeks, Romans and Chinese, who dominated history for the next two thousand years. The Brits, French, Spanish, Danish, and Russians, had all existed far longer than our fledgling experiment. And that's exactly what it it does. Will our experiment our work? Yes, it can and will, as long as we stand by the principles set forth by our founders.
Read the Declaration of Independence, or the Constitution and its amendments. If it doesn't make you cry, well, I don't know. Anytime I hear the Star Spangled Banner, God Bless America, or The Pledge of Allegiance does, even I concede watching the drill team of my high school waving the flag wets my eye. Get patriotism, it's better than any drug.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Garbage Debt?
Already, there are countries like Britain buying into the world-wide fanaticism of global warming. Besides the alarming burden of an economy-crippling possibility of universal health care, there is probability of a system of cap-and-trade being proposed to punish primarily America for its supposed sins against the climate.
But their policies have proven toothless, their actions have resulted in only handing over billions of dollars to terrorist regimes world-wide, and their so-called charitable causes cause hundreds of thousands of poverty stricken people to result in being systematically eliminated by their own corrupt societies. Now, should we allow Mr. Barack Obama to hand over to this, I don't know, Polly-Anna organization, the power to mandate an annual tax for the imaginary crime of "climate debt", just to support their fantastic dreams of a one-world government?
The fact that this is a real possibility scares me. It should scare you and every born and bred American who believes in the free-market society, who believes that freedom of speech and open, unrestricted forum is the enemy of tyranny. Well, it's being deliberately shut down right before our very eyes, and don't kid yourself, before this God-forsaken presidency is come to its eagerly anticipated end, the damage may be done and our voice all but silenced.
Thankfully, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington knew the dangers of tyranny could easily infect any society. Trust them, it took their own new world took 200+ years to realize that freedom trumps over tyranny. Anyday. It's proven strong enough to defeat the ideals of Nazi-ism, Communism, Marxism, and hopefully, Globalism, Any-ism, except for Capitalism, all in the course of two-hundred and thirty-plus years, even after achieving liberty. Amazing. No other society has accomplished such a lofty goal in the history of mankind. Lets not let it revert back to barbarism.
Think about the Egyptians, who gained and lost power over the course of millennia, only to give way to the Greeks, Romans and Chinese, who dominated history for the next two thousand years. The Brits, French, Spanish, Danish, and Russians, had all existed far longer than our fledgling experiment. And that's exactly what it is, an experiment. Is it working? Yes, it can and will, as long as we stand by the principles set forth by our founders.
Read the Declaration of Independence, or the Constitution and its amendments. If it doesn't make you cry, well, I don't know. I do. Anytime I hear the Star Spangled Banner, God Bless America, or The Pledge of Allegiance. Even I concede watching the drill team of my high school waving the flag wets my eye. Get patriotism, it's better than any drug.
But their policies have proven toothless, their actions have resulted in only handing over billions of dollars to terrorist regimes world-wide, and their so-called charitable causes cause hundreds of thousands of poverty stricken people to result in being systematically eliminated by their own corrupt societies. Now, should we allow Mr. Barack Obama to hand over to this, I don't know, Polly-Anna organization, the power to mandate an annual tax for the imaginary crime of "climate debt", just to support their fantastic dreams of a one-world government?
The fact that this is a real possibility scares me. It should scare you and every born and bred American who believes in the free-market society, who believes that freedom of speech and open, unrestricted forum is the enemy of tyranny. Well, it's being deliberately shut down right before our very eyes, and don't kid yourself, before this God-forsaken presidency is come to its eagerly anticipated end, the damage may be done and our voice all but silenced.
Thankfully, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington knew the dangers of tyranny could easily infect any society. Trust them, it took their own new world took 200+ years to realize that freedom trumps over tyranny. Anyday. It's proven strong enough to defeat the ideals of Nazi-ism, Communism, Marxism, and hopefully, Globalism, Any-ism, except for Capitalism, all in the course of two-hundred and thirty-plus years, even after achieving liberty. Amazing. No other society has accomplished such a lofty goal in the history of mankind. Lets not let it revert back to barbarism.
Think about the Egyptians, who gained and lost power over the course of millennia, only to give way to the Greeks, Romans and Chinese, who dominated history for the next two thousand years. The Brits, French, Spanish, Danish, and Russians, had all existed far longer than our fledgling experiment. And that's exactly what it is, an experiment. Is it working? Yes, it can and will, as long as we stand by the principles set forth by our founders.
Read the Declaration of Independence, or the Constitution and its amendments. If it doesn't make you cry, well, I don't know. I do. Anytime I hear the Star Spangled Banner, God Bless America, or The Pledge of Allegiance. Even I concede watching the drill team of my high school waving the flag wets my eye. Get patriotism, it's better than any drug.
Monday, November 9, 2009
The Kettle is Black
Generally speaking, politicians are by nature, liars. The best liars, like Barack Obama, can tell you the truth, but cover it up with promises of happiness, equality, and prosperity for all, and as good little lemmings, we will believe him. Why? Because Oprah deemed him "The One?"
To me, it's painfully obvious our country is being attacked from within, and it begins with the White House itself. Radicals, lovers of Mao Tse Tung, Karl Marx, Sal Alinsky, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and anyone who despises what America stands for, surround the President, not by chance, but by intent. These are the kind of people he wisely chose as friends so as not to seem like a phony.
Entities like the SCIU, ACORN, the Apollo Group, and the Tides Foundation are steering this president's agenda from behind the scenes. The so-called "Recovery Act" is nothing but a massive transfer of wealth as partial payment for propelling a no-name, liberal fanatic into the Presidency. Yes, Barack Obama was no accident, but a well orchestrated plan to overwhelm the government into collapse. And every day he is just one step closer to achieving that goal. Sickening.
Then begins the real distribution of wealth. If, that is, there's any left.
Imagine being just as rich as everyone in your neighborhood. Wouldn't that be awesome? We could all go to work together, go home to the same Eco-regulated domicile, eat the same politically correct food, and talk about nothing in particular because someone might be listening. Yee-Haw!
Here are the clues, decide for yourself:
Rack up as much national debt burden as possible. Spend just enough to cause general confusion among the public. Use the media as a source of dis-information. Take advantage of or "create" a crisis as a legitimate reason to take over the airwaves, the press, and the internet. Indoctrinate the children, and cull the unproductive adult. Use the environmental hoax and the urgency of universal health care scam to create more money for the poor and lazy. Convince the people that only the government knows best, and the free-market is nonsense. Make sure every citizen is indebted to the government to the tune of at least 50% of income (It's for our own good.)
To me, it's painfully obvious our country is being attacked from within, and it begins with the White House itself. Radicals, lovers of Mao Tse Tung, Karl Marx, Sal Alinsky, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and anyone who despises what America stands for, surround the President, not by chance, but by intent. These are the kind of people he wisely chose as friends so as not to seem like a phony.
Entities like the SCIU, ACORN, the Apollo Group, and the Tides Foundation are steering this president's agenda from behind the scenes. The so-called "Recovery Act" is nothing but a massive transfer of wealth as partial payment for propelling a no-name, liberal fanatic into the Presidency. Yes, Barack Obama was no accident, but a well orchestrated plan to overwhelm the government into collapse. And every day he is just one step closer to achieving that goal. Sickening.
Then begins the real distribution of wealth. If, that is, there's any left.
Imagine being just as rich as everyone in your neighborhood. Wouldn't that be awesome? We could all go to work together, go home to the same Eco-regulated domicile, eat the same politically correct food, and talk about nothing in particular because someone might be listening. Yee-Haw!
Here are the clues, decide for yourself:
Rack up as much national debt burden as possible. Spend just enough to cause general confusion among the public. Use the media as a source of dis-information. Take advantage of or "create" a crisis as a legitimate reason to take over the airwaves, the press, and the internet. Indoctrinate the children, and cull the unproductive adult. Use the environmental hoax and the urgency of universal health care scam to create more money for the poor and lazy. Convince the people that only the government knows best, and the free-market is nonsense. Make sure every citizen is indebted to the government to the tune of at least 50% of income (It's for our own good.)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
A President
The recent attacks against AMERICA are founded in a RADICAL Islamic theology. The problem in that our enemy wears the same clothes, it's been able to pierce the heart of satin by the most limited of means. Problem is, satin only real in the hearts of men. Evil men.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The 11th Hour
It's deeply distressing how the primary focus on universal health care is centered on the cost, while altogether dismissing the notion that it is by far the worst piece of narrow-minded legislation Nancy Pelosi has cooked up to date. Sorry 'ol gal, but this bill isn't worth the paper it's printed on.
You have to ask yourself why? Because there is a always deeper, darker, and more sinister plot? It would be easier to think the loonies actually, truly do believe in the suicidal lies they're spreading. There is no explanation for deliberately assembling a virtual army of social deviants, devotees of Chairman Mao, and disciples of Sal Alinsky, unless, of course, your patriotism has been substituted for indoctrination.
Never in my entire life have I encountered a more narcissistic, arrogant, and egocentric man such as Barack Obama, and his twisted obsession to make the rich people poor so that the poor become rich. I'm sorry, but I've never gotten a job from a poor person.
Where will innovation come from? Big government? No. Where will the advances in medicine and capture of free energy come from? Our next-door neighbor's humble garage? Not likely. From our culturally sensitive universities? No, they're too busy figuring out the mating cycle of the Delta smelt. You know, nothing but the really important stuff. In effect, we're screwed.
As a country, we are the most charitable, the most tolerant society in history. If we believed climate change were anything near as dire as Mr. Gore insists, it still wouldn't be worth sacrificing our livelihood and that of the world's along with it.
Face it, "global warming" or the more agreeable "climate change" is nothing but a hoax, the perfect cash cow, and it's threatening our very sovereignty. If we must stand alone, then so be it. Let the lemmings dive off the cliff. Hate to be so cynical, but to be perfectly honest, if the people accept the ultra-radical policies of this administration, it will surely go down in history as a tragic mistake.
Can't say we weren't warned, or there was no evidence to suggest Obama was not who he claimed to be. That he never previously associated with any of the blatant radicals who make up his shadow Presidency. That poor, poor Michelle had to skimp and scrape because of the overwhelming debt incurred from school loans. And what about the super-sweet back-room deal they parleyed for their home in Chicago.\
Will any journalist, anyone ever get the balls enough to call this political tag-team to the carpet? How long will it take the fawning media to blurt out the truth? We know how many people he's already thrown under the bus, but I guess it's just "The Chicago Way."
You have to ask yourself why? Because there is a always deeper, darker, and more sinister plot? It would be easier to think the loonies actually, truly do believe in the suicidal lies they're spreading. There is no explanation for deliberately assembling a virtual army of social deviants, devotees of Chairman Mao, and disciples of Sal Alinsky, unless, of course, your patriotism has been substituted for indoctrination.
Never in my entire life have I encountered a more narcissistic, arrogant, and egocentric man such as Barack Obama, and his twisted obsession to make the rich people poor so that the poor become rich. I'm sorry, but I've never gotten a job from a poor person.
Where will innovation come from? Big government? No. Where will the advances in medicine and capture of free energy come from? Our next-door neighbor's humble garage? Not likely. From our culturally sensitive universities? No, they're too busy figuring out the mating cycle of the Delta smelt. You know, nothing but the really important stuff. In effect, we're screwed.
As a country, we are the most charitable, the most tolerant society in history. If we believed climate change were anything near as dire as Mr. Gore insists, it still wouldn't be worth sacrificing our livelihood and that of the world's along with it.
Face it, "global warming" or the more agreeable "climate change" is nothing but a hoax, the perfect cash cow, and it's threatening our very sovereignty. If we must stand alone, then so be it. Let the lemmings dive off the cliff. Hate to be so cynical, but to be perfectly honest, if the people accept the ultra-radical policies of this administration, it will surely go down in history as a tragic mistake.
Can't say we weren't warned, or there was no evidence to suggest Obama was not who he claimed to be. That he never previously associated with any of the blatant radicals who make up his shadow Presidency. That poor, poor Michelle had to skimp and scrape because of the overwhelming debt incurred from school loans. And what about the super-sweet back-room deal they parleyed for their home in Chicago.\
Will any journalist, anyone ever get the balls enough to call this political tag-team to the carpet? How long will it take the fawning media to blurt out the truth? We know how many people he's already thrown under the bus, but I guess it's just "The Chicago Way."
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
She's so Sarah!
I'm still holding onto Ashlee's B-day present, and since I already read it, I want to give you my copy of "Catastrophe," from Dick Morris. I just got "Culture of Corruption" by Michelle Malkin, and I cannot wait until I get Sarah Palin's new book around the 17th of November.
I love it! She's so being Sarah, the lefties don't know what to do. If only they had a shred of legitimate evidence to stand on. If only. She just totally faced the GOP when she dissed Dede Scozza-whatser-face, while stomping for the Conservative candidate. Guess what, the fake Republican ducked out, then flip-flopped, and ended up supporting the Democrat. But now it looks like she's got some serious egg on her face. Boo-hoo...
No more mushy, wishy-washy, namby-pampy, middle-of-the-road Republicans. That's why Sarah Palin is sooo scary. It's called the truth. It's called boldness. It's called refusal. It's called NO!
God bless Glenn Beck, he's the ONLY one who gets it. Barack Obama is by far and away more radical than Roosevelt or even Wilson. And if you know anything about their REAL history, those guys were some seriously radical progressives. Wilson incarcerated anyone who refused to accept his ideology, and Roosevelt used fear and false hope to keep him in office literally until he died. The Great Depression lasted over a decade because of Roosevelt's progressive ideology.
Don't turn your back on our freshman President, he's definitely on the other side. The proof is in the pudding.
The sad thing is that our schools twist our history into whatever meets their PC agenda. It's as if we, as adults, aren't capable, not smart enough to handle the naked truth.
George Washington said that debt is a symptom of laziness. If not by the sweat of the brow, then how?
You've got to see just how dead-on Dick Morris is about the so-called "stimulus package." Congress, (Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid,) let the Apollo Group, SCIU, and ACORN go wild with $787,000,000,000 borrowed from the Chinese. But who cares? Why waste a good crisis, when you can use it to do things you may not otherwise be able to.
Bill Ayers, Reverend Wright, George Soros, Tony Rezco, Van Jones, Cass Sunstein, Buffy Wicks, Anita Dunn, John Holdren, Mark Lloyd, Valerie Jarret, Rahm Emmanuel, David Axelrod, Andy Stern. And the list goes on, but no one seems to notice that everything they hold dear will soon be nothing but a fleeting memory.
I love it! She's so being Sarah, the lefties don't know what to do. If only they had a shred of legitimate evidence to stand on. If only. She just totally faced the GOP when she dissed Dede Scozza-whatser-face, while stomping for the Conservative candidate. Guess what, the fake Republican ducked out, then flip-flopped, and ended up supporting the Democrat. But now it looks like she's got some serious egg on her face. Boo-hoo...
No more mushy, wishy-washy, namby-pampy, middle-of-the-road Republicans. That's why Sarah Palin is sooo scary. It's called the truth. It's called boldness. It's called refusal. It's called NO!
God bless Glenn Beck, he's the ONLY one who gets it. Barack Obama is by far and away more radical than Roosevelt or even Wilson. And if you know anything about their REAL history, those guys were some seriously radical progressives. Wilson incarcerated anyone who refused to accept his ideology, and Roosevelt used fear and false hope to keep him in office literally until he died. The Great Depression lasted over a decade because of Roosevelt's progressive ideology.
Don't turn your back on our freshman President, he's definitely on the other side. The proof is in the pudding.
The sad thing is that our schools twist our history into whatever meets their PC agenda. It's as if we, as adults, aren't capable, not smart enough to handle the naked truth.
George Washington said that debt is a symptom of laziness. If not by the sweat of the brow, then how?
You've got to see just how dead-on Dick Morris is about the so-called "stimulus package." Congress, (Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid,) let the Apollo Group, SCIU, and ACORN go wild with $787,000,000,000 borrowed from the Chinese. But who cares? Why waste a good crisis, when you can use it to do things you may not otherwise be able to.
Bill Ayers, Reverend Wright, George Soros, Tony Rezco, Van Jones, Cass Sunstein, Buffy Wicks, Anita Dunn, John Holdren, Mark Lloyd, Valerie Jarret, Rahm Emmanuel, David Axelrod, Andy Stern. And the list goes on, but no one seems to notice that everything they hold dear will soon be nothing but a fleeting memory.
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