Saturday, November 21, 2009

Like it or Not

Sickening, just sick. I'm sick and tired of being sick! Barack Obama, yeah, but he'd be toothless without an idiotic, spineless, no-brained congress to confer the insane bills our juvenile president insists on passing. That's right, I spelled it president with a lowercase because that's exactly what his phony stature desires. ZERO! What a scam has this scumbag presented upon the American people. What a bald-faced LIE has this monster intended to pass upon the very peoples he's been swore to uphold. Pay attention, baby, our President has the unions controlling hid agenda, and wants to divide our gross DIVIDEND between the lesser fortunate of the world. Phthew, There has been no other gracious nation, no any whose generosity has benefited to poor-stricken world than the United States.

{s}Let me speak on something. {b}Andy Stern{/b} is the enemy!!!!!!!!

{S}Why, thank you, Cap'n Dave,

And, yes, loyalty and patriotism for my beloved country is most near and dear to my heart. Unfortunately it seems, there are forces from within who would see our time-tested Constitution become just another hiccup in history. Pardon me if I may say vehemently, our severely inept congress is rapt with corruption, and is now being commanded by a Marxist leader. If I went into the details, I would no doubt run out of e-mail space.

Having said this, my further statements will be blunt. Barack Obama is no more gifted a speaker than I. But one thing is sure, he told America during the '08 campaign EXACTLY what his intentions were: {b}To fundamentally transform the United States of America.{/b}

Mary Landreiu at this very moment has decided to allow cloture. If it were not for the arm-twisting of Speaker Harry Reid's $100,000,000 (in a [legal] one hundred million dollar secret section of a bogus bill), this piece of crap bill would be dead in the water. Now we know EXACTLY what the Senator from Arkansas is made of. Silliy Putty.

Now, it's up to us. THAT"S the origin of the original tea party, AND the right to bear arms. Check your news, an epic moment in our history has just occurred, and obviuosly the hundreds of tea-parties, and the thousands of town hall congregations have had absolutely no effect. {b}This{/b} was the primary reason for the revolt which spurred our treasured AMERICAN REVOLUTION. The revolution that was not to be.

Thank you, thank you, oh, thank you, Mr. Benjamin Franklin. At least we have a republic to save.

Patrick Henry - A James Madison John Hancock

# John Adams - A
# Samuel Adams - A
# Ethan Allen - American/British
# Benedict Arnold - American/British
# John Burgoyne - B
# Aaron Burr - A
# George Rogers Clark - A
# Charles Cornwallis - B
# John Dickinson - A
# Nathanael Greene - A
# Alexander Hamilton - A
# John Hancock - A
# Patrick Henry - A
# William Howe - B
# Thomas Jefferson - A
# John Paul Jones - A
# Thaddeus Kosciuszko - A (Polish)
# Marquis de Lafayette - A (French)
# James Madison -

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