Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Clarity and Confidence vs. Corruption

Sarah Palin, what else can I say? Is she just another right-wing fanatic? Is she another dumb broad who truly believes in life, liberty, and the right to bear arms? No, she's far from a dumb ass broad, Sarah Palin Barack Obama's worst fear, she's his destiny looking him straight in the eyes. And believe me, he's scared, scared like a little rabbit. And he should be.

Come on, Mr. Gaffemaster Biden, care to dance again with the Devil herself? No, you better not.

As the agenda unfolds, it's gradually becoming unraveled at the seams, being torn apart by its own criminal devices, by the weight of its unsustainable financial encumbrance and sheer idiocy.

A question, why are the Democrats being heroically led as sheep by Master Obama to send themselves, along with our entire society into ruin? Has Obama proven to be all that? No, but his promise of change is the only thing he has not lied about.

What happened to the giant GM and poor little Chrysler? Can anyone say UNIONS? Specifically the demonic UAW? What about all the forced payouts to the majority of our banking institutions in the name of "saving the global economy," only to bring more power unto the seemingly inevitable machine of progressivism? It's up to us. Do we want to hand over our sovereignty, our choice to lead the world and continue to be a nation people strive to become a legal part of their right as members of a free world community?

Unions, Sarah Palin, and Rush Limbaugh;

YouTube - Rush Interviews Gov Palin pt 1 Nov 17:

YouTube - Rush Interviews Gov Palin pt 2 Nov 17:

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