Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Fountain of Lies

Barack Obama. Or is it Barack Hussein Obama? Whatever the name, it doesn't matter. I'm sick of his steady stream of lies, starting with a campaign ripe with Chicago-style scandal, his proposal of heavily taxing an already burdened economy just to cover the $787,000,000,000 left-wing feast that could only be topped by the Mother of all wasteful spending bills, HR 3200. Sarah Palin would have already turned this economy around by now, so we could focus on matters more important. Global warming is the least of which. Talk about a cash-cow. Ohh, the world will end tomorrow if we don't act now! No, it will not. The polar bears are doing fine, and we have the resources to end our dependencies right here and right now.
Every time I turn on the TV or computer, it's another tele-prompted speech that sounds just like the last one. Stop apologizing. Iran laughs and Britain condescends, while we stand alone.

Mr. President, do your job. Is that so hard?

1 comment:

  1. This might be nit picking on my part but it really bugs me. Every time I type the name, "Obama" the good folks at Spell Check inform me that I have gotten the spelling wrong. Here are their suggested corrections:


    Right. I've got a fifth suggestion for them: Ob-la-di! Ob-la-da! Life goes on - BRA!

    Their suggestions for my "misspelling" of the name "Barack" are almost as amusing:

    Ba rack

    I just got through typing up a list of all forty-three men who have served as chief executive. Spell Check tells me that I got every name right (or, in the case of Martin Van Buren, half right) with one exception. You guessed it: "Barack Obama". The guy has been in the public eye for over five years now. He's been president for nine months! You would think they might have fixed that by now, wouldn't you?

    That reminds me. Can anyone please explain to me just what the hell an "Obadias" is? It's not in Webster's Dictionary.

    Tom Degan
    Goshen, NY
