Monday, November 23, 2009


Dick Cheney said it best when he described Obama's Afghanistan strategy as "dithering." Sheesh, it's no wonder when he's got 20+ non-military personnel bickering at the table! Excuse me, but this is a closed-door conversation, one which our enemies are paying rapt attention to. Stop broadcasting every single step you advise for our already compromised armed forces to take, and start treating the terrorist enemy for exactly what they are, blatant, outright, TERRORISTS!

If the crooked Federal Reserve keeps our interest rates at or near zero percent any longer, the oncoming inflation will literally swallow our economy in one gargantuan bite. One which I'm afraid not even our great-grandchildren will manage to overcome. Will then those who have encumbered our once great society finally learn their lesson? I fear not. It seems more likely the primary progenitors of their own fiscal fiasco would be perfectly content to wallow in their own heap of stinking shit.

Whatever meager scraps of our sacred republic remain after the progressives' reckless mission has failed, myself and my fellow patriots will pick up the pieces and reassemble the solid foundation of the country that was not to be. The United States of America.

I highly recommend, even though his writings are quite lengthy, to please read through Thomas Jefferson's thoughts about the Constitution;

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