Thursday, November 12, 2009

Think it's Over? Guess Again

What happens when your expenses go up but your income goes down? Do you say "Yay! lets go spend some money?" Or do you say "What the hell am I going to do?"

This government is so desperate for money, do I now have to pay for the the poor people to sit on their ass and cash in on Uncle Sam? Apparently so.
Where should I begin? The sheer magnitude astounds me.

The assault against the dollar, industry, and the financial marketplace which drives our economy is purposely, intentionally being systematically dismantled by the same forces that put Barack Obama in the White House. Call me a liar, call me a hypocrite, but the facts do not lie.

How do you spend 787 billion dollars without creating a single job? How can you let radical Black Panthers get away with voter-booth intimidation while automatic machine guns are slung across their backs? How does an American President get away with apologizing for his country as evil, a purveyor of all that is wrong?
At this very moment, I am painfully listening to yet another repetitive moment where Barack Obama seems to be still on the campaign trail. What a complete idiot. Start governing, stop campaigning, asshole!

Thank you for cutting off this jerk before I puked.

The crisis extended crisis our nation has suffered was caused by an intentional motive to destroy capitalism and freedom of speech. Wake up, America, this is not a joke. It won't be long before you wake up and say "Wha? Where's my TV? What happened to my internet? And wait a minute, where the hell is my mail?"

"Damn! My car is gone too!"

It didn't comply with the law passed just last night.

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