Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Garbage Debt?

Already, there are countries like Britain buying into the world-wide fanaticism of global warming. Besides the alarming burden of an economy-crippling possibility of universal health care, there is probability of a system of cap-and-trade being proposed to punish primarily America for its supposed sins against the climate.

But their policies have proven toothless, their actions have resulted in only handing over billions of dollars to terrorist regimes world-wide, and their so-called charitable causes cause hundreds of thousands of poverty stricken people to result in being systematically eliminated by their own corrupt societies. Now, should we allow Mr. Barack Obama to hand over to this, I don't know, Polly-Anna organization, the power to mandate an annual tax for the imaginary crime of "climate debt", just to support their fantastic dreams of a one-world government?

The fact that this is a real possibility scares me. It should scare you and every born and bred American who believes in the free-market society, who believes that freedom of speech and open, unrestricted forum is the enemy of tyranny. Well, it's being deliberately shut down right before our very eyes, and don't kid yourself, before this God-forsaken presidency is come to its eagerly anticipated end, the damage may be done and our voice all but silenced.
Thankfully, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington knew the dangers of tyranny could easily infect any society. Trust them, it took their own new world took 200+ years to realize that freedom trumps over tyranny. Anyday. It's proven strong enough to defeat the ideals of Nazi-ism, Communism, Marxism, and hopefully, Globalism, Any-ism, except for Capitalism, all in the course of two-hundred and thirty-plus years, even after achieving liberty. Amazing. No other society has accomplished such a lofty goal in the history of mankind. Lets not let it revert back to barbarism.

Think about the Egyptians, who gained and lost power over the course of millennia, only to give way to the Greeks, Romans and Chinese, who dominated history for the next two thousand years. The Brits, French, Spanish, Danish, and Russians, had all existed far longer than our fledgling experiment. And that's exactly what it is, an experiment. Is it working? Yes, it can and will, as long as we stand by the principles set forth by our founders.

Read the Declaration of Independence, or the Constitution and its amendments. If it doesn't make you cry, well, I don't know. I do. Anytime I hear the Star Spangled Banner, God Bless America, or The Pledge of Allegiance. Even I concede watching the drill team of my high school waving the flag wets my eye. Get patriotism, it's better than any drug.

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